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Making a resolution about your karate practice

As we come up to 2025, lots of folks will think about New Year's resolutions. 
If karate is part of what you’re making resolutions about, I encourage you to think of your resolution not in punitive, all-or-nothing terms, but in ways that enhance the satisfaction and pride you take in your practice. 
If your resolution is, “I must attend class 3 times a week so I can be a good practitioner,” then the first time you get sick or your homework load is bananas, and you can’t make it to class, you will feel like you failed at your resolution. You will feel bad, get demotivated, etc. Don’t do that to yourself — and don’t do that to your practice. (I want to note that I’m not saying don’t come to class — you should obviously aim to train consistently!)
Instead, I suggest that you pick something that interests you or mystifies you about your practice, and make it your quest for the year. What that could be is personal: get better at hitting the makiwara; practice that bunkai that never seems to go quite right for you until it’s second nature; work on chambering really well on every move; pick one of the calligraphy on the wall and think about what it means to you and your practice. It can be something you keep for yourself or you can share with a friend who can support you. Either way, I hope that it enriches your time in the dojo.
I wish you a rewarding and joyful practice in the new year!